Sunday, July 21, 2013

Back to PCMC for Chemo

After 3 months of staying home, we made the trek to Primary's once again.  Austin was checked in, weighed and measured.  He weighed 42.5 kg--down 1.5 kg from last month.  He was not feeling good and just laid down on the table.  He has had some problems with nausea and vomiting once in awhile.  This seems to be more when he hasn't eaten in awhile.  So since he has to be fasting for his sedation his stomach was really bothering him.  (We later found out his glucose was 54 so no wonder he felt so bad!)  Poor kid.

Feeling crummy

Saying hello to Elliot

Dr. Eldridge
Getting his port accessed

Getting Chemotherapy (Vincristine)

 Austin's port was accessed without any problem and his labs were drawn.  His ANC was 1800, Platelets 209, and Hct 37.7(!!!)  These are all great so we headed to the sedation room for his lumbar puncture.  Everything went smoothly and he was soon sitting up and asking for fruit loops.  Finally the smile appeared and he was soon laughing with the nurses.    

Off to sleepy land

Getting his lumbar puncture

Waking up

Fruit loops makes everything better

Laughing with his nurse
 So we are free from traveling to Salt Lake for another 3 months.  Austin will continue to take his daily oral chemo pills.  They increased his 6mp because his ANC was a little higher than they want it.  They want it between 750-1000 and will adjust his chemo until it gets there.  Austin is also back on steroids for the next week so that will be fun!  (Quick!  Hide the food!)

A handful of pills--gotta love his cute face

13 1/2 pills

1 comment:

  1. aunt amy i feel bad for auston i hope he gets better. and by the way i LOVE this blog!

    love, lydia
